Hoya Releases Sparkle 4 & 6 Filters

Hoya's Sparkle Filter essentially does two things:

  1. creates mini-stars from pointed specular light sources

  2. creates a soft diffusion throughout the image

The Sparkle Filter comes in two variants. Sparkle 4 filters have 4-point stars and Sparkle 6 filters have 6-point stars.

The Hoya Sparkle Filter lineup utilizes a new multi-coating process that limits the bleed of the points on the traditional Hoya Star Filter series. Traditional cross filters tend to lengthen the light beams from sources, creating dense illuminations that can overload imagery. The moderation of these beams is what makes the Hoya Sparkle unique. 

Hoya has added improvement to the functionality of the Sparkle series by including a rotating frame that allows users to control the direction of the points emanating from light sources. The grooves of the frame make it easy to control and the solid black frame minimizes risk of unwanted reflections within the frames.

Hoya Sparkle Filter website

Further, without direct light sources, the softening effect of the Sparkle filter is akin to a diffusion filter, softening the overall image and creating subtle, dream-like bokeh. 


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